Tuesday, January 29, 2008



PHOTO: Darko Trifunovic, disgraced Srebrenica genocide denier
and former identity thief criminal, in this undated photo.

Srebrenica genocide denial is the most dangerous obstacle to the lasting peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and yet - it is a 'weapon' of choice for hate-mongerers. One of them is Darko Trifunovic who likes to think of himself as a "terrorism expert" or "specialist in terrorism and security studies" and is obsessed with only one specific kind of terrorism: "Islamic terrorism." However, a closer look at his activities reveals that he is far from being expert on anything, and can most accurately be described as a fringe conspiracy theorist and disgraced denier and justifier of Genocide in Srebrenica - nothing more, nothing less.Tip: As an alternative to inaccurate, out-dated, and out-of-context taken analysis of Srebrenica victims' numbers used by deniers, please read our
Frequently Asked Questions, including Srebrenica Numbers (Quick Facts), and DNA Analysis from the ICMP.

Mr Trifunovic's manufactured stories about "Islamic terrorism in Bosnia-Herzegovina" and his obsession with Islamic terrorism in general is rather biased and one-sided; he conveniently avoids to acknowledge judgments against the Serb terrorists (Generals Stanislav Galic and Dragomir Milosevic) who were sentenced by the International Criminal Tribunal to lengthy prison sentences for terrorism that claimed lives of 12,000 citizens of Sarajevo - including 1,500 Sarajevo children. In the 1992-95 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Serb side was responsible for 85% of the crimes, but that doesn't stop Mr Trifunovic from falsifying facts, manufacturing stories, and justifying genocidal crimes of former Serb leader Radovan Karadzic (see Radovan Karadzic and Srebrenica Genocide).

The Association of Bosniaks in the Netherlands has reacted angrily at Mr Trifunovic's denials of Srebrenica genocide and has encouraged survivors of genocide to file a lawsuit against Mr Trifunovic. Srebrenica genocide denial is a hate crime in many European countries which Mr Trifunovic regularly visits to feed media and government officials with his hatred inspired propaganda (there is a protest letter available in the Bosnian language
here).Recently, the Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB), issued a letter to the organizers of the "11th European Police Congress" requesting Darko Trifunovic to be excluded from the forthcoming Congress. In this letter, CNAB stated, quote:

One of the speakers scheduled for the Panel Session “European Counterterrorism Strategies - Detection, Financing, Prosecution” is Dr. Darko Trifunovic from Belgrade. The Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB)... is sternly protesting to the organizers of the 11th Congress, requesting that Dr. Darko Trifunovic is excluded from the forthcoming Congress.... Dr. Trifunovic is the author of the scandalous “Report About Case Srebrenica Case (the first part)”... which he conveniently omitted from his Congress' biography.

Of course, Darko Trifunovic ommitted this information from his "biography" attempting to hide his Srebrenica genocide denial background. His report was discredited as a fraudulent attempt to deny the facts and was rejected by the international courts and by the Office of the the High Representative for Bosnia-Herzegovina. In the letter, CNAB explains, quote:

On the page 34. of that report, Trifunovic concludes his 'analysis' of the number of Bosniak men and boys who disappeared during the events surrounding the BosnianSerb take-over of the United Nations ‘safe area’ of Srebrenica with the 'finding' that Armed Forces of the Republic of Srpska (VRS) might have executed only less than 100 of "Muslim soldiers".

Moreover, Trifunovic went even further with his Srebrenica genocide denial and justification of killings by concluding that, quote:

As a consequence, the remaining figure in the missing list would be the number of Muslims soldiers who were executed by Bosnian Serb forces for personal revenge or for simple ignorance of the international law. It would probably stand less than 100.

As an alternative to Darko Trifunovic's make-belief stories, one might read Srebrenica Genocide Questions and Answers: Responding to the Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, containing factual judgments from the International Criminal Tribunal at the Hague, the International Court of Justice, and other credible sources. Of course, Mr Trifunovic conveniently avoids acknowledging judicial facts issued by the highest international courts.

There you have it. Darko Trifunovic's techniques of attempting to present himself as credible individual seem rather childish, because no survivor of genocide will sit quiet while Mr Trifunovic is humiliating victims of Srebrenica genocide. As a conspiracy theorist by occupation, Mr Trifunovic should know better, and he should start disclosing "full resume" about his background. As CNA rightfully protested, quote:

It is mind-boggling that such an 'expert' in, and proponent of, the genocide denial and the psychological warfare of hate mongering could have been invited to speak to European policemen, interior and justice ministers, members of parliaments about the “European Counterterrorism Strategies". He who himself is an 'expert' defender of Serbian terrorism of violating all applicable international conventions.... He is part of the notorious Belgrade state-security apparatus and locales, admitted even by the Serbian Government members to be behind Serbia's active violation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Mladic in Belgrade etc.). With other readily available details about his other extremist activities and involvements, one has to ask: what is the real agenda here?

But, a closer look at Darko Trifunovic, as well as people and institutions he associate himself with, reveals even more disturbing picture.He works at the University of Belgrade (Faculty of Security Studies), and the official website of this Faculty features Srebrenica genocide denial links prominently displayed on its front page. For historical reasons, we have made a screenshot of their web site (click here to view) just in case they change their links in the meantime. Judging from the links promoted on their web site, we can only show our disgust at what these "academics" teach students in Serbia. It seems little has changed in Serbia in terms of extremist propaganda being promoted and thaught on Belgrade universities. No wonder Slobodan Milosevic's propaganda is still active (see example of Serbs misusing photos of Srebrenica genocide mass graves by portraying them as mass graves of Serbs), which is the propaganda of the sickest dimensions.

One of the featured links at the Mr Trifunovic's "Faculty" is (not surprisingly) "The International Strategic Studies Association" - a global group of conspiracy theorists (also on record as Srebrenica genocide deniers and justifiers) who are trying to present themselves as highly skilled "terrorism experts" and "media analysts." They even designated Darko Trifunovic as their Serbian representative. These kinds of obscure occupations, not requiring any education or diploma, are favorite choice for opinionists attempting to gain credibility, e.g. Srebrenica genocide deniers Edward S. Herman and David Peterson enjoy refering to themselves as "media analysts," while another Srebrenica genocide denier - Milivoje Ivanisevic - liked to think of himself as a "researcher" and "statistician." Even Holocaust denier David Irving enjoyed refering to himself as a "historian" (more on him ad Deborah Lipstadt's blog). There you have it.

Darko Trifunovic's propaganda is not confined only to the walls of the Faculty of Begrade and Serbia's government institutions. His manufactured stories about the "Islamic terrorism in Bosnia" and the Srebrenica genocide denial go well beyond the walls of this disgraced "Faculty".

He is also actively involved with the Serbian Unity Congress lecturing "Serbian Caucus Congressmen" about individual crimes committed by Croats and Bosniaks. Of course, Mr Trifunovic failed to mention that the Serb side was responsible for 85% of the crimes in 1992-95 Bosnian war, as well as the fact that only Serb side committed genocide. Mr Trifunovic conveniently left that fact out.

Mr Trifunovic has been also feeding his stories to the various government agencies, or "strategic partners" which include (as noted on the "Faculty's" web site): Serbia's Army, Serbia's Ministry of Internal Affairs, Serbia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Serbia's Security Information Agency, and also to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republika Srpska.

As CNAB noted in the letter: "Being such hate monger and denier of aggression and genocide, culturocide, ecocide, ethnocide, urbicide and elitocide, his place is with those who deny Holocaust and other war crimes - behind the bars, and not on the same podium with European Commission Vice President and Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, Franco Frattini. It would be a mockery."

We suggest a different approach - let him "blow the wind;" his credibility has already been shattered in pieces by his blatant Srebrenica genocide denial. He has done irreparable damage to himself and to the people he claims to represent.



In 2001, Serbian "terrorism expert" Darko Trifunovic stated for B92 he had evidence that indicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic obeyed Geneva Convention.

Next year (2002), he was fired from B&H Foreign Ministry due to identity theft and document forgery. The ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal) should be very careful in accepting evidence from questionable sources, especially when it comes from people with document forgery experience - such as Mr Trifunovic.

The ICTY should, under no circumstances, accept evidence from questionable sources such as Darko Trifunovic, RS Bureau (Republic Secretariat for Relations with International Criminal Tribunal), Milivoje Ivanisevic, and similar highly questionable sources.

There is a higher risk probability that people like Darko Trifunovic have already forged documents for the purpose of defending many indicted war criminals, but no matter what Trifunovic says, we know that Radovan Karadzic had an intent to completely exterminate Muslims of Bosnia. Here is a quote from Radovan Karadzic himself:

"Within a few days there will be no Sarajevo, and there will be over 500,000 dead; within a month the Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina will be destroyed!"


Currently, Darko Trifunovic is working on Momcilo Krajisnik appeal, so judges beware!



On March 12 2002, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia & Herzegovina (comprised of Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats) fired Darko Trifunovic (photo on the left) from B&H diplomatic services due to his involvement in document forgery.

Only after expulsion from the diplomatic service of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Darko Trifunovic became self proclaimed "expert on terrorism" writing mostly against Bosnia and Herzegovina and labeling anybody who criticized him as "Al Qaeda terrorist."

As an experienced document forgerer and identity thief, he offered his services to defense teams of various indicted Serb war criminals at the International Criminal Tribunal (ICTY). In 2001, he stated for B92 he even had evidence that indicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic (who on numerous occasions threatened the total destruction of Bosniak Muslim population of Bosnia-Herzegovina) obeyed Geneva Convention. It would not be surprising to learn that Darko Trifunovic forged and submitted those kinds of documents for defense teams of many indicted Serb war criminals.

Here is an archived press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, quote:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the decision on suspension of Darko Trifunović, who has worked at the MFA BiH since 2 April 2001, performing diplomatic function - the First Secretary at BiH Mission to UN. In accordance with the rules of service, Trifunović will be deprived from BiH diplomatic passport and he will be unable to obtain a travel document for his return to BiH, since it is about the man who falsified BiH citizenship.

Following the conclusion of BiH Council of Ministers to review citizenship of all employees in state service bodies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH asked from the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Communications of BiH to review the way in which Trifunović gained BiH citizenship in 1996.

By the review, it was established that Trifunović cancelled his registration on 27 March 1996 from the register of residence in Belgrade, where he was born, and on the same date he registered in Brčko. According to the fictive residence, he obtained ID card of BiH on the same date.

Since the procedure of the issuance of ID card was illegal, Police Service in Brčko District cancelled residence and BiH ID card, Decision dated 25 February 2002.

On the basis of these facts, Ministry of Civil Affairs and Communications of BiH, in accordance with legal procedure deprived Trifunović from BiH citizenship. Results of several months' investigation as well as documentation that prove the conclusions will be submitted to the competent prosecutor's office that will adopt decision on possible criminal charge and judicial prosecution against Darko Trifunović.

After a multi-ethnic and multi-religious group of Muslim, Christian and Jewish journalists from Bosnjaci.net Magazine criticized Darko Trifunovic for Srebrenica Genocide denial, he sent them threatening messages and labeled them as terrorists. For Srebrenica genocide victims, he stated: "I wish Mladic killed them all." Soon after, Bosnjaci.net was brought down due to hack attack (known as Denial of Service attack) from sympathizers of Darko Trifunovic's extremist ideology.

Darko Trifunovic blamed Muslim, Christian and Jewish reporters for fabricating E-mail against him, however, as influential Srebrenica Genocide Blog reported, quote:

Contrary to Darko Trifunovic's claims published at "Serbian Unity Congress" website in which he alleges that information against him was "fabricated," the fact of the matter is that he was the author of an E-mail in which he stated: "I wish Mladic killed them all." We got in touch with contributing authors Haris Djapic and Alan Jusufovic and asked them to provide "Full Header" copy of Darko Trifunovic's E-mail. Then we compared IP# of that E-mail with IP# of several other E-mails in which Darko Trifunovic threatened to the New York based magazine. The IP# was the same. Due to confidentiality reasons, we will not release IP#; however, we have forwarded this information to Bosnjaci.net and requested inclusion of this information into FBI investigation of recent threatening E-mails coming from Darko Trifunovic (his E-mail is publicly listed at the Serbian Unity Congress web site).

The public should exercise caution in dealing with Darko Trifunovic, his extremist supporters and his published writings. Darko Trifunovic has been discredited by respected journalistic agencies in the past. According to the "Freedom of Speech in South East Europe: Media Independence and Self-Regulation" (ISBN 978-954-9396-05-8) published by the South East European Network for Professionalization of Media, quote:

An exemplary manipulation article can also be found on p. 2 on March 9 entitled ‘Abuse of religion and faith’ by D. Majstorovic. It reports that Darko Trifunovic, portrayed as “leading Serb expert for international terrorism” from the Belgrade Security Faculty, in one of his recent “lectures before members of the US Congress” stated that radical Islamists from all over the world, who have been assigned in all almost all European states upon order of the terrorist network Al Q’Aida, abuse religious facilities and use them for spreading their fundamentalist-like ideas. Reportedly, Trifunovic also “warned that Kosovo and Metohija and BiH are unfortunately brimming with persons like Talovic (Sulejman, 19-year old from BiH who killed 5 people at Salt Lake City recently) and Bektasevic (Mirsad, sentenced to 20 years prison term for planning terrorist attacks in BiH), mostly thanks to people from the top authority, who at some point inthe past brought the most brutal terrorists of the present timeto these regions. Hereby he refers to “Haris Silajdzic”, aprominent Bosniak politician.

Although attributed to an “expert” thus fulfilling the formal requirements of the Press Code, these absolutely wild speculations presented as “serious” information are an insult to logic first, Bosniaks second. (Sulejman Talovic was Bosnian American, but his crime was much the same as earlier Columbine crimes, or a subsequent massacre by a Korean American – work of teen angst. Confounding him, a wannabe terrorist Bektasevic, and bringing them in context with a legaland legitimate politicalrepresentative is a sign of uttermalevolence and lack of elementary ethics).